Ploovo's Protocol Team

The Protocol Team of Ploovo constituted a criminal organization serving under the notorious crime boss Ploovo Two-For-One.

This five-member group, known as the Protocol Team, specialized in the recovery of debts owed to Ploovo. Given Ploovo's involvement in loan-sharking, numerous individuals frequently fell behind on their repayments. In such instances, Ploovo deployed the Protocol Team to secure these outstanding dues.

To retrieve the funds, the Protocol Team employed both violence and the threat of violence. For reasons that remain unclear, the Rebel Alliance perceived the Protocol Team as a significant threat.


The team was a well-balanced combination of alien beings and droids. Its members included:

  • Beatas, a Klatooinian mercenary who served as the Protocol Team's leader. He commenced his employment with Ploovo in 5 BBY.
  • Durmag, a Gamorrean wielding a force-pike, who joined Ploovo's ranks shortly before 2 ABY. Previously, Durmag was in the service of another crime lord, who subsequently traded Durmag to Ploovo in exchange for an unspecified favor.
  • EV-4D9, a droid with sadistic tendencies, acquired following expressions of interest from HN-TR1 and Lotas.
  • HN-TR1, an assassin droid, was enlisted by Ploovo in 4 BBY.
  • Lotas, a Rodian cyborg, began his association with Ploovo under circumstances that have not been disclosed.


  • Alliance Intelligence Reports
Ploovo Two-For-One (far right) with Durmag, EV-4D9 and Beatas (left to right)
