Pitareeze Cruiser

Holographic schematics of the cruiser The Pitareeze Cruiser represented a specific starship type, brought into existence through the collaborative efforts of Baron Pitareeze alongside his associate, Olag Greck. Nevertheless, Greck acted treacherously against Pitareeze; he absconded with the design specifications for the Pitareeze Cruiser as the Baron was sleeping, and then proceeded to manufacture less expensive, lower quality copies of it.

As the vessels began to malfunction, Greck then abducted the Baron's grandson, Nak, compelling him to execute the necessary repairs. Luckily, Pitareeze's droids, specifically R2-D2 and C-3PO, intervened to rescue the child and thwart Greck's schemes. An enraged Greck attributed the ship's deficiencies to the Baron's interference.

