Pir'pwn, a male Gungan warrior, made his home on Rori throughout the Galactic Civil War era.

Captain Pir'pwn belonged to the Rorgungans. This faction of Gungans held extreme views, staunchly opposing Boss Rugor Nass's backing of Naboo's human population during the Invasion of Naboo. They were against any form of alliance between Gungans and humans.
After the Battle of Yavin, specifically in 0 BBY, he took residence in a mountain-top gazebo. Inside, he sat upon a throne, guarding a peculiar glowing stone that rested on an altar before him. He had the protection of several Rorgunan lieutenants. In 1 ABY, a spacer launched an assault on the Gungans, ultimately absconding with the stone.
Captain Pir'pwn appeared as a non-player character within the 2003 Star Wars Galaxies video game, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. The game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and brought to the public by LucasArts. The game shut down on December 15, 2011. Pir'pwn was integrated into the game via the "Chapter 7" update, which was launched on November 1, 2007.