Pho Ph'eahian

The Pho Ph'eahians were a sapient species native to the world of Pho Ph'eah. Recognizable by their vivid blue fur and four arms, they were generally humanoid creatures that walked on two legs. The insulation provided by their fur was beneficial in the cool, dimly illuminated environment of their native planet. The additional pair of arms offered distinct advantages, such as the ability to simultaneously engage in arm-wrestling matches against two opponents.

Phopheahians A Pho Ph'eahian. As mountain-dwelling omnivores, Pho Ph'eahians consumed both small animals found on their planet and cultivated vegetables from their technologically advanced agricultural zones. They displayed a keen interest in innovating methods for enhancing food production. Prior to their initial contact with the Galactic Republic millennia before the Battle of Yavin, they had already achieved nuclear fission and rudimentary capabilities in intra-system travel. Following their introduction to the Republic, their technological prowess rapidly advanced. They soon evolved into prominent developers and exporters of a diverse array of sophisticated technological goods, spanning from novel agricultural techniques to weaponry and hyperdrives.

In general, Pho Ph'eahians possessed a sociable and upbeat nature, often relishing the spotlight. While relatively few ventured beyond their homeworld, those who did frequently achieved success in the entertainment industry. Others secured lucrative employment as starship mechanics and engineers, particularly within the Corporate Sector.

A distinctive aspect of Pho Ph'eahian culture was their emphasis on maintaining personal hygiene. Pho Ph'eahians considered their physical bodies sacred, viewing them as intrinsically linked to their spiritual essence. Consequently, any blemish or stain on their bodies was believed to potentially tarnish their souls if not promptly addressed. For instance, Pho Ph'eahian mechanics, while not afraid to get dirty while working, habitually carried towels to cleanse their hands of grime and grease.

Examples of Pho Ph'eahian Names

  • b'Crevnis
  • Cho'ree
  • Darshev
  • Fe'heon
  • Le'shar
  • Lo'pho'r
  • Rova
  • Shev
  • Veerzan
  • Vo'ray

