Phaseera orbital bioresearch facility

An orbital bioresearch facility revolved around the lush world of Phaseera, located within the Phaseera system. This system was situated inside the Lantillian sector, itself a part of the Slice region of the Mid Rim. A highly unusual implant was present on this orbital station.

Around the year 3643 BBY, a malfunction occurred on the orbiting bioresearch facility, leading to its catastrophic impact and destruction on Phaseera's surface. Following this event, a person involved in the ongoing conflict between the Republic and the revived Sith Empire received intelligence regarding the facility's crash. Consequently, this person dispatched an associate to retrieve any remaining samples from the destroyed station, and the associate successfully recovered the implant.

Behind the scenes

This orbital bioresearch facility was referenced in a Bioanalysis Crew Skill mission within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 game created by BioWare; however, details about the mission's conclusion were later taken out of the game. The 2009 sourcebook titled The Essential Atlas designated the Phaseera star system, and consequently the orbital bioresearch facility, as being located in grid square P-8.

