"Phantom Menaces," a short story, appeared in Star Wars Tales 17. The story, which takes place during the New Republic era, centers around Luke Skywalker's experience with a holographic image of Darth Maul on the planet Iridonia. This encounter reveals that Maul's brain was kept alive and used to terrorize Iridonia by Drell Kahmf.

As an ambassador for the New Republic, Luke Skywalker travels to Iridonia to engage in trade discussions related to opening new paths to the Outer Rim. Shortly after settling into his rooms near Capital Square, Skywalker is attacked by a Solid-state hologram of Darth Maul. Putting the negotiations on hold, Skywalker starts an investigation into the presence of the Sith.
Drawn by an unusual disturbance in the Force, Skywalker eventually finds himself at Drell Kahmf's laboratory after yet another confrontation with Darth Maul. There, he discovers Maul's living remains, sustained by a device created by Kahmf. Kahmf explains that he recovered and revived Maul's brain after his body was destroyed during the Duel in Theed.
Skywalker declares that he will not permit Darth Maul to continue existing in this state. Kahmf then runs away from Skywalker as he ignites his lightsaber. Alone, Skywalker ends Darth Maul's existence by simply flipping a switch.