Penzak Kraal, a Yuuzhan Vong belonging to the warrior caste, was stationed on the captured world of Borleias during the Yuuzhan Vong War, alongside other members of Domain Kraal. Although he possessed skill as a pilot and experience as a warrior, Kraal met his end in 27 ABY while on patrol within the Pyria system.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Domain Kraal was tasked with overseeing the world of Borleias, located in the Pyria system. Borleias, a crucial location for the successful assault targeting Coruscant, maintained a relatively small contingent of coralskipper pilots and warriors, among whom was Penzak Kraal. Frequently assigned to patrol the system with his domain relative, Charat Kraal, the pair, given the repeated defeats suffered by the New Republic, often spent their patrol time discussing the Yuuzhan Vong, their gods, and the "infidels" inhabiting the galaxy.
During one such discussion, as the two warriors orbited Borleias at a distance, elements of the New Republic Third Battle Group emerged from hyperspace with the objective of reclaiming Borleias from Yuuzhan Vong control. Kraal promptly activated his cognition hood and alerted his domain's commander to the incoming threat. As the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Mon Mothma deployed its starfighters to engage the planet, Kraal resolved to launch an attack against the ventral hangar of the Star Destroyer, envisioning that he and Charat could infiltrate the hangar and destroy the starship from within. Despite successfully avoiding enemy starfighters, a laser cannon barrage from the Mon Mothma struck his vessel as he approached the hangar. The resulting explosion instantly destroyed Penzak Kraal's coralskipper, resulting in his death.
Penzak Kraal, more seasoned and resolute than Charat, demonstrated competence as a pilot, opting for a daring attack on a Star Destroyer rather than engaging in a futile confrontation with the numerous starfighter squadrons. He dismissed his relative's suggestions that the galaxy's defenders were as capable as they seemed, and he sharply rebuked his kinsman's statements.