Pav D'armon's name is associated with the Hammertong event of 0 BBY; she served as a member of the Mistryl Shadow Guard unit present.
Pav was regarded by Shada D'ukal as someone who talked a lot over the comms. She was the Mistryl assigned to gate duty at the Hammertong base while Dr. Kellering led Team Prime, Manda D'ulin, to a meeting with project leader Dr. Eloy. Following the ambush of Kellering's vehicle at the entrance, Stormtroopers targeted Pav and swiftly eliminated her with gunfire.
It is highly probable that both Pav D'armon and Manda D'ulin perished during the assault. However, this ambush spurred Shada and the remaining team members into an immediate and surprisingly successful retaliatory strike, demonstrating to the Empire that Mistryl members could not be executed without consequence.