The third governing body on Bespin's Cloud City was known as the Parliament of Guilds. It served alongside the Exex and the Baron Administrator in ruling the city.
Representing the laborers and artisans of Cloud City, the Guilds' Parliament was dedicated to maintaining a balanced economy for the city. It offered significant support to Cloud City's judicial system, functioning as an unbiased jury to prevent the Exex from dominating the city's legal proceedings.
Furthermore, the Parliament held responsibility for supervising the operations of the city's casinos.
During the initial years of the Galactic Empire's reign, Ugnaughts named Krygg and Fyren were employed by the Parliament. Around 17 BBY, the Hutt crime lord Darga Jiramma Mionne took up residence in Cloud City and used bribes to persuade several Ugnaught employees of Figg & Associates to pilfer tibanna gas from their company. Following this, Figg & Associates lodged a formal complaint with the Parliament of the Guilds regarding the missing tibanna, which compelled the Parliament to impose limitations on all Ugnaughts residing in Cloud City.