Parlay Thorp was a physician of the Human variety, and identified as female. She was a celebrated authority in the fields of growing older and regaining youth, and she led investigations at the Aurora Medical Facility on Obroa-skai, after previously working at establishments that she herself founded on Hijado and Enferm. Moreover, she journeyed to numerous other planets situated in the Tingel Arm while performing medical services. Parlay Thorp once possessed the Corellian YT-1300 freighter known as the Millennium Falcon, employing it for her various assignments. She acquired it when its former owner, Quip Fargil, gifted the starship to her. Following a period of several years with the Falcon on Hijado, the doctor divested herself of the vessel, selling it to Molpol's Traveling Circus, where it subsequently served as security for multiple bets, eventually ending up in the ownership of a youthful Lando Calrissian.