Parja Bralor

Parja Bralor, a Human Mandalorian female, was related to Rav Bralor, a former member of the Cuy'val Dar, as his niece. Possessing great skill as an engineer, she found joy in repairing various items, from a malfunctioning chrono to a sickly Nuna chick. She ran a thriving workshop on Mandalore and eventually became responsible for maintaining all the machinery at Kyrimorut, the Skirata clan's residence.


Following the battle of Gaftikar, clone commando Fi Skirata suffered brain damage and was brought to Mandalore; Parja took on the responsibility of his recovery, providing care, physical therapy, and ultimately falling in love with him. She demonstrated unwavering patience with his memory and coordination issues, and she fiercely protected him even as he regained some of his abilities to move and speak. Fi and Parja exchanged vows in a traditional Mandalorian wedding ceremony 998 days after the battle of Geonosis, with Parja wearing her workshop overalls and Fi wearing Mandalorian armor. The wedding, a brief affair lasting less than a minute, took place just before Fi, now largely recovered, departed on a mission to Coruscant alongside ARC trooper deserters Sull, [Spar](/article/spar], and former Jedi General Bardan Jusik.

After Clan Skirata abandoned the Grand Army of the Republic following Order 66, she made her home with them in Kyrimorut.

Parja's armor was a striking deep scarlet hue. Copper beads often adorned her chestnut braids. Her name originates from the Mandalorian term "parjiir," which translates to "victory."

