Paqualis system

The Paqualis system, situated at galactic coordinates L-8 in the Inner Rim of the galaxy, was a star system found along the Hydian Way hyperspace route and was the location of Paqualis III. Han Solo, a smuggler, proposed transporting 4-LOM and Zuckuss, two bounty hunters he had just fought, to a station on Paqualis III.

Within this system, pirates attacked a New Republic transport carrying supplies, resulting in the ship being emptied of its cargo and the death of all crew members. While searching the system for any sign of the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing some weeks following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Lieutenant Yrica Quell came across the looted starship.

Behind the scenes

Alexander Freed's 2019 novel, Alphabet Squadron, marked the initial appearance of the Paqualis system. However, its original introduction occurred in Star Wars Legends within the 2009 publication The Essential Atlas, a reference book authored by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace.

