Pao's rifle, a blaster rifle utilized in the Imperial Era, was an illicit boiler rifle acquired from the black market by Paodok'Draba'Takat Sap'De'Rekti Nik'Linke'Ti' Ki'Vef'Nik'NeSevef'Li'Kek, a Commando belonging to the Drabatan Rebel Alliance Special Forces. To significantly enhance its destructive capability, the blaster rifle was modified with an external tibanna gas chamber. This alteration led to rapid wear on the galven barrels, necessitating frequent maintenance. Consequently, Pao carried four spare galven barrels on each wrist to address this issue.
In 1 BBY, Pao employed this very rifle during the mission undertaken by Rogue One to retrieve the plans for the Imperial Death Star battle station. When firing, Pao allowed the recoil to move the barrel across his palm. Pao met his death in the conflict, and the rifle was obliterated when the Death Star discharged its superlaser at the planet, wiping out the formerly active combat zone.
The first appearance of Pao's rifle was in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, a film from the Anthology Series, alongside Matt Forbeck's junior novel adaptation, Pablo Hidalgo's reference work, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, and Jason Fry's book for younger readers, Star Wars: Rogue One: Secret Mission. All of these were launched at the same time on December 16, 2016. The weapon's designation as Pao's rifle was later confirmed via a blaster card released in 2023 on the mobile game Star Wars: Card Trader.