Teebo along with Wicket are seen transporting the palanquin of "Princess" Latara.
A palanquin served as a mode of transportation for important figures such as deities, royalty, and other leaders.
The Ewok inhabitants of Bright Tree Village possessed their own palanquin. This palanquin was designed as a throne, allowing an Ewok to sit comfortably while being carried by two other Ewoks. On one occasion, Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka temporarily bestowed the title of Princess upon Latara for a single day. This was done to demonstrate to Latara that being an Ewok princess involved responsibilities and chores rather than just privileges.
Kneesaa entrusted her companions Wicket Wystri Warrick and Teebo with the task of serving as loyal attendants to "Princess" Latara. However, the "second princess" displayed a lack of consideration for Wicket and Teebo, the "peasant" servants, as they were forced to carry her throne around the village according to her commands.
This particular palanquin made its appearance in the Princess Latara episode of the TV series.