The New Republic's Imperial Palace was protected by a force known as Palace Security. This security detail was under the command of Colonel Jak Bremen.
In the year 9 ABY, a group of operatives from Imperial Intelligence infiltrated the Palace with the intention of kidnapping Leia Organa Solo along with her children, Jaina and Jacen Solo. Disguised in Palace Security uniforms, their plot was foiled when Mara Jade discovered them and alerted General Garm Bel Iblis and Lando Calrissian. General Iblis then notified Palace Security, leading to a firefight where all but one of the agents, their leader Major Molo Himron, were killed. During his interrogation, Himron accused Mara Jade of assisting their entry into the Palace. Consequently, Colonel Bremen placed Jade under house arrest, but she was later exonerated and released. Furthermore, Colonel Bremen and his second-in-command, Lieutenant Machel Kendy, were investigating the mysterious Delta Source which had compromised Palace Security, transmitting classified information to Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn. With assistance from Leia Organa Solo, Winter, and a slicer named Zakarisz Ghent, Palace Security successfully neutralized Delta Source, which was revealed to be Ch'hala trees growing within the Grand Corridor of the Imperial Palace.