Padawan Kesh

Padawan Kesh, alternatively referred to as the Je'daii Academy, functioned as one of the nine temples belonging to the Je'daii Order. It was situated on the lush planet of Tython. This substantial stone edifice, known as the Temple at Padawan Kesh, acted as the Order's training center for Je'daii initiates who were not yet old enough to become a Padawan.


Upon their initial arrival on Tython, the philosophers and scholars who originated from various locations throughout the galaxy were transported from the cosmos aboard colossal, pyramid-shaped vessels known as the Tho Yor. These nine enormous vessels dispersed across the planet, each landing in a different location, and released their passengers to populate the world. The Tho Yor themselves then became the very cornerstones upon which the newcomers built their new dwellings and centers of learning.

Constructed from stone bricks and adorned with multiple golden pinnacles, the stronghold-like temple at Padawan Kesh served the Je'daii Order as its educational institution for Je'daii initiates – those not yet ready for the trials of a Padawan. The Je'daii Temple Master, the Je'daii responsible for managing the facility and supervising its operations, ensured that all initiates received instruction in the fundamentals of the Force until a Je'daii Master chose them as their student. In the year 25,793 BBY, Master Ruhr, a Wookiee, held the position of Temple supervisor.

