Ostan Atur

Ostan Atur, a Lowen native, was a highly proficient saboteur. Her actions significantly hampered the Republic at several critical locations, including the Qua'Tahc meleenium mines situated on Af'El, which were under the New Republic's authority.


Born on Low'n, a planet located in the Mid Rim, Ostan Atur grew up surrounded by mercenaries and smugglers. The potential for substantial financial gain enticed Atur to pursue a career as a saboteur within the Lesser Plooriod Cluster. Eventually, she began working for Tolad Dor, an Ithorian gangster. Her employment with Dor lasted nearly two years, during which she assassinated Imperial Colonel Sil Ompren by attaching detonators to a repulsorcraft. Atur also disabled numerous starships, allowing Dor's underlings to seize and sell their cargo on the black market.

Later, she relocated to the obscure Minos Cluster and formed an alliance with Talak, a Reigat. Rani Quanic selected Atur to assist in stealing 100 kilograms of meleenium from New Republic mining facilities. During the operation, Atur deactivated several security systems and a number of B1 worker droids stationed in the southeast shafts of one of the Qua'Tahc tunnels, which greatly aided the criminals' escape.

However, a trio of Republic agents encountered the fleeing thieves. Atur and her accomplices opened fire with blaster weaponry, severely injuring all three Republic operatives. Subsequently, a bounty of 25,000 credits was placed on her head for her capture.

Personality and traits

Growing up surrounded by ruthless mercenaries, smugglers, and other criminals shaped her character, fostering independence and fearlessness. She constantly sought more lucrative and challenging opportunities.

Skills and abilities

Spending significant time in Low'n spaceports and technology shops allowed her to acquire extensive technical knowledge. She possessed skills in computer and droid programming and repair, demolition, first aid, repulsorlift and transport repair, and disabling various types of equipment.


She typically carried a blaster pistol, a comlink, a datapad, a pocket computer, and a security tool kit.

