An ore hauler was a type of starship; it was smaller when compared to a Tsukkian water freighter. The Rebel SpecForce group known as Reekeene's Roughnecks, an elite unit, possessed a pair of these vessels.
On the moon Folor, located within the Commenor system, there were three ore haulers. These vehicles were painted gray, featured open cockpits, and utilized repulsorlift technology. Each ore hauler's bed was about the height of a Human, with the length of four T-65 X-wing starfighters placed end-to-end. Their repulsor fields extended outward several meters. These haulers were originally brought to Folor when it was a mining colony. Even after a New Republic base was established, they were maintained. Pilots Wedge Antilles and Falynn Sandskimmer raced these vehicles across the lunar surface during Wraith Squadron's training exercises.