Ophidions were a fearsome species of clear moray eel indigenous to the world of Taypho. They were among the many perilous aquatic beings inhabiting the planet's seas, dwelling amongst the reef formations. Ophidions would lie in wait for their prey, ambushing them with a bite. A Galactic Empire detention center on Taypho featured cells extending far into an underground pool, and several ophidions were situated there to deter escapes via the pool.
During the Galactic Civil War, a team of Rebel Alliance operatives were assisting the Taypho freedom fighter Yele l'Ecumeuse in a revolution aimed at liberating the native Taïs from Imperial control. During a battle, some members of the revolution were captured and brought to the prison, compelling the Rebels to navigate the eel-filled waters of the pool to rescue the captives.
Ophidions made an appearance in the RPG adventure "La légende des cristaux," penned by Christophe Debien and Patrick Bousquet for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game from West End Games. The adventure saw publication in the seventy-sixth edition of the French periodical Casus Belli, released during July and August of 1993. This document assumes the scenario unfolds as portrayed.