Operation on Eiattu

In the year 4 ABY, New Republic pilots including Tycho Celchu, Soontir Fel, and Han Solo embarked on a mission to the planet Eiattu 6. Their objective was to protect Winter, who was acting as a decoy for Leia Organa, while the actual Organa was secretly on Axxila to broker Sate Pestage's, the temporary Galactic Emperor, move to the New Republic.

When they got to Eiattu, Princess Isplourrdacartha Estillo and Count Rial Pernon greeted them. Following a formal event, a commando squad ambushed Tycho and Winter, intending to capture Leia. While the Rebels were trying to figure out how Winter and Tycho were taken, the two captives were presented to Lionia Tavira, who had ambitions of establishing her own Warlord state. On Eiattu, Fel declared he was on a clandestine Imperial assignment and discovered from Count Arian Laabann that he was the one who orchestrated Leonia's capture of Leia and Tycho.

After this, the Rebels traveled to StarForge Station, where they found out from Rayt that "Leia" and Tycho were imprisoned on Axxila.

