Onece 3 was a part of the five BFF-1 bulk freighters that comprised the Onece flight group. This ship, together with the others in its group, tried to get through Imperial Outpost D-34 located in the Anoat sector. Like the other ships, it asserted that it was transporting food supplies. However, Maarek Stele performed an inspection and discovered that it was actually carrying smuggled Rebel refugees who were escaping Hoth after the Battle of Hoth. Subsequently, Maarek Stele attacked the freighter, weakening its shields significantly, which then enabled transport Sigma to immobilize and seize it. Even with shuttles from the Rebel Alliance attempting to help, the freighter was captured successfully and dispatched to an Imperial repair facility. The other ships in the group were permitted to continue their journey and jumped to hyperspace, heading towards destinations unknown.