Onahks, native to the moderate-climate wetlands of Osirrag, were creatures that lived both on land and in water.
These beings possessed six clawed feet, enabling them to climb on land, along with webbed sections that could be pulled back for swimming. Their most striking characteristic was their elongated necks, capable of stretching to two meters or shrinking to only 30 centimeters. They perceived the world through keen eyes located at the tips of their necks, and they used "long stalks" at the front and "short stalks" at the back for tasting and smelling. Their mouths were positioned on the lower side of their bodies. While they mainly breathed underwater, they could survive on air for a maximum of five minutes and were equally swift both on land and in water.
Onahks exhibited social behavior, moving and hunting in small groups of two to eight adults accompanied by their young. They were known for their loyalty, even sacrificing themselves to protect fellow pod members. During the summer months, they primarily consumed small birds and reptiles. In winter, they retreated underwater, shortening their necks to protect against the cold, and hunted fish and quolers. While typically cautious of larger creatures, some young onahks displayed curiosity towards Human colonists as they started inhabiting the wild areas of Ossirag.