Ona Querit, alternatively known as The Menace, was a Human female bounty hunter active during the Galactic War. This conflict pitted the Galactic Republic against the newly arisen Sith Empire. The daughter of Senator Querit, she was drawn away from Coruscant by Kaliyo Djannis, who enticed her to embrace a life of danger among the galaxy's underworld figures. Because her father thought she had been abducted, he did not freeze her financial accounts. However, Kaliyo abandoned her on Ylesia, and during her time on Alderaan she developed her dueling skills. She then reinvented herself as the bounty hunter "The Menace", tracking Kaliyo both for the reward and to demonstrate her newfound power. Kaliyo, unaware that the Menace was actually Ona, made the bounty hunter a priority target for Imperial Intelligence.
Cipher Nine, along with Kaliyo, located her on Tatooine and carried out her assassination.
Ona Querit was equipped with a red and green set of Mandalorian armor that included a gauntlet blade. She carried a blaster pistol and utilized weaponry integrated into her armor during her confrontations with the Imperial agent and Kaliyo Djannis.