Old Recluse

The Old Recluse functioned as a very old intelligence operative during the final stages of the Galactic Civil War, working for the Imperial Remnant and belonging to the Morish species.


Within the elevated regions of the Tatmana Mountains, he made his home in a cave that had previously served as a clandestine communications hub for the Galactic Empire, now derelict. Utilizing the cave's antiquated technology, he presented himself as a seer, aiming to both awe and influence the local Morish people. Furthermore, he conducted surveillance on the nearby New Republic installation.

In 19 ABY, Lando Calrissian, accompanied by Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, and Wes Janson, exposed the deception during a visit to the cave. The Old Recluse attempted to barter the narrative of the Destruction of Caamas for 300 credits. However, Calrissian detected and identified the scent emanating from the outdated electronics, drawing a parallel to the aroma of the Spaarti cloning plant located on Wayland. When the Old Recluse tried to fire upon Calrissian, he was apprehended and relieved of his weapon.

