OHS1782-03 system

The OHS1782-03 system, a star system, existed in the Ash Worlds sector of the Outer Rim Territories', specifically in the area called the Slice. From 25,120 BBY to 25,096 BBY, this system was called the Xoraes system. At that time, it was located in the Kiirium Reaches, which was part of the empire ruled by the Human warlord Xim. The Xoraes system had hyperlane connections to the Turallun, Gwynhes Minor, and Ulonsus systems, and Xim relocated his military from Ulonsus to this system.

Behind the scenes

Jason Fry and [Daniel Wallace] (/article/daniel_wallace) introduced the OHS1782-03 system in their 2009 reference book titled The Essential Atlas, locating it in grid square T-7.


  • The Essential Atlas (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)

Notes and references
