Ogden's Hope security

Ogden's Hope security force provided protection to the town of Ogden's Hope, located on the planet of Elphrona during the time of the High Republic Era. They received annual funding from every business within the town. When the Blythe family, residing on a homestead near the town, became the targeted victims of a kidnapping attempt by the Nihil pirates, they contacted the security force for assistance. Upon learning of the Nihil's involvement, the security force, paralyzed by fear due to the Nihil's fearsome reputation, declared their inability to respond promptly, a display of cowardice that deeply offended Erika Blythe. The communication from Ronn Blythe was intercepted by Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro, who subsequently informed the Jedi stationed at the Elphrona Outpost about the attack, hoping to capture a Jedi.

