Obi-Wan 5

Obi-Wan 5, the concluding chapter of the canon comic miniseries titled Star Wars: Obi-Wan, marks its fifth and final installment. Christopher Cantwell penned the script, while Adriana Melo, Wayne Faucher, and Dono Sánchez-Almara provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it to the public on September 14, 2022. The story contained within this issue is entitled "Ben".

Publisher's summary

With night approaching and the sandstorm that confined him beginning to dissipate, Obi-Wan concludes his journal entries for the time being and turns his gaze forward. However, amidst the perils of the Jundland Wastes, he stumbles upon an unexpected discovery: a squad of stormtroopers, ambushed and left to perish. Yet, one of them clings to life, presenting Obi-Wan with a dilemma. He might risk everything to rescue a single injured Imperial stormtrooper, a figure who evokes memories of the clone troopers he fought alongside in the past.

Plot summary

In 1 BBY on Tatooine, Obi-Wan Kenobi emerges from his dwelling after the sandstorm finally subsides. Concurrently, in Mos Eisley, stormtroopers notice the absence of four ration containers, deducing that Tusken Raiders struck during the storm. The commander relays this information to their officer, who orders a full squad to venture into the Jundland Wastes to retrieve the stolen goods and eliminate the Tusken clan. The commander, JM-909, initially expresses hesitation due to potential retaliation from other groups, but after a threat of internment or hard labor, he affirms his allegiance to the Empire. Before their departure, the officer instructs him to be efficient, akin to how they dispatch spent Dewbacks - a single shot between the eyes, with minimal brain matter to penetrate.

Out in the Dune Sea, Kenobi reflects on the scarcity of power, necessitating trades with Jawas for power cells. He chooses to travel under the cover of night to avoid the heat, but remains vigilant due to the lurking dangers, keeping his lightsaber close as a defense against both physical threats and the insidious specters of fear and desperation. Elsewhere in the expansive desert, JM-909 leads his squad of stormtroopers on foot and Dewback, discussing the Tusken Raiders. Some believe they worship the sand and practice cannibalism, while others consider them already dead, doomed to wander the desert as spirits. However, JM-909 asserts that the Tusken Raiders are simply trying to survive, which is what makes them frightening. Eventually, the squad reaches the Tusken Raider camp, spotting their stolen supplies and observing six raiders, one sentry, and two massiffs. As they prepare to strike, JM-909 issues orders, but they soon realize they've been deceived by decoys and are ambushed from behind. The entire stormtrooper squad is swiftly incapacitated by Tusken Raider snipers and close-quarters Gaffi Stick attacks.

Simultaneously, Kenobi continues his desert journey, hearing the distant skirmish and concluding that the Tuskens emerged victorious upon seeing Imperial weaponry in their possession. Despite being a Jedi, Obi-Wan is not above scavenging and approaches the aftermath of the battle to gather what he can. Observing the scene, he notes that the ration containers were empty, indicating that the Tuskens' primary target was the Imperials' gear. As he passes the fallen Imperial soldiers, Kenobi is reminded of his deceased clone trooper comrades. Suddenly, he discovers JM-909 still alive and struggling. Removing the man's helmet, Kenobi acknowledges that he's a conscript, unlike the clones. However, these conscripts are equally victimized by the larger galactic conflict, and guided by his master's teachings to provide aid and protect life, Kenobi assists his enemy, prioritizing this principle above all allegiances. As they traverse the desert on Kenobi's Eopie, Akkani, JM-909 regains consciousness and attempts to escape, but collapses and notices Kenobi's lightsaber, mistaking him for a sorcerer and losing consciousness again.

Kenobi persists in aiding JM-909, transporting him to his dwelling. After three days of recovery, the stormtrooper awakens. Kenobi greets him, explaining that he's healing well, with his chest plate absorbing the brunt of the impact, while the head injury is of greater concern. When asked how he feels, Jim notices Kenobi's lightsaber on display. He is asked for his real name, but when JM-909 only provides his designation, Kenobi calls him Jim and introduces himself as Ben. Abruptly, Jim seizes Kenobi's lightsaber, activating it and declaring that he isn't Ben's friend. However, Obi-Wan remains composed, stating that Jim can take the weapon if he wishes, as the desert can be unforgiving without proper tools. Panicked, Jim drops the lightsaber and flees outside, commandeering Akkani. As Jim journeys back to Mos Eisley, Obi-Wan reflects that everyone searches in the darkness for guidance, hoping for illumination to reveal the correct path, yet the destination remains unknown. Upon returning to Mos Eisley, JM-909 faces reprimand from his officer for his failure and is ordered to clean himself up. In his quarters, JM-909 whispers the name of Ben before donning his armor once more, ready to fulfill his next Imperial assignment.

Within his dwelling, Kenobi adds to his journal, noting that the storm has passed but another looms on the horizon, sensing that his time on Tatooine is nearing its end. Despite the apparent solitude of these years, he has never been truly alone, guided by the Force. Concluding his thoughts, he asserts that no one is ever alone, even in their darkest moments, accompanied by images of Luke Skywalker gazing at Tatooine's Twin Suns and Darth Vader standing over Kenobi's robes after his demise.


