Nuriin-Ar, a Korun male, masterminded a hostage situation as a terrorist, commanding a trio of fellow Korunnai. They seized six Galactic Republic civilians for three hours, including a Mon Calamari senator, his assistant, and a Direx Board member from the CSA. The intention was to provoke a raid by the Coruscant Security Force that would result in the accidental death of the Direx Board member, sparking a major political crisis between the CSA and the Republic. This could potentially lead the heavily armed Corporate Sector to join forces with the Separatists.
However, instead of the CSF, Omega Squad, a unit of clone commandos, was dispatched to liberate the captives. In the ensuing twenty-two second firefight, Nuriin-Ar was almost immediately eliminated by a precise blaster shot from one of the commandos.