Nouane (Allied Region)

Nouane, situated in the Inner Rim, was designated as an Allied Region. This area, located within the Northern Dependencies section of space, comprised a self-governing collection of 212 star systems. During the early days of the Galactic Republic, Nouane functioned as a small empire, one of many such entities that dotted the galaxy. The capital planet of this region shared the name Nouane.

In 3963 BBY, amidst the Mandalorian Wars, Mandalorian warriors launched an attack on the planet Nouane, prompting its inhabitants to seek assistance from the Republic. Consequently, Nouane transitioned into an Allied Region, associated with the Republic and administered by a Moff or Grand Moff. This status persisted into the era of the Galactic Empire, which succeeded the Republic, with Nouane becoming a staunch supporter of Emperor Palpatine's rule as an Imperial client state. Following the Empire's collapse, Nouane opted for independence instead of joining the nascent New Republic.


Nouane, a region with considerable autonomy, was found within the Northern Dependencies area of space in the Inner Rim. As a mini-empire in the Galactic Republic's early history, Nouane was just one example of the numerous independent territories that existed throughout the galaxy. The region's capital planet, also named Nouane, was located within the system of the same name.

Nouane became an Allied Region, a semi-independent associate of the galactic government, during the Mandalorian Wars. By this time, the region encompassed 212 inhabited star systems, including the Dwartii system. The Vaathkree Trade Corridor traversed the region's northwestern reaches.


In the Republic's early years, Nouane was one of many flourishing mini-empires. Its capital was the world of Nouane, from which the region derived its name. The Republic knew of the region—a center of civilization surrounded by uncharted territories—as early as 22,000 BBY. A hyperlane connected the planet Nouane to Uviuy Exen, a world in the Colonies at that time.

The Republic monitored the Mandalorian warrior clans in the centuries after 7000 BBY, concerned about Nouane and other regions. However, during the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders' attack on the planet Nouane during the Mandalorian Wars of 39763960 BBY, the mini-empire sought the Republic's help. Noaune was admitted to the Republic and transformed into an Allied Region, a term for a semi-autonomous region allied with the galactic government. Moffs or Grand Moffs were the typical leaders of Allied Regions. Over the centuries, the Allied Regions' status became primarily ceremonial, and the territories were gradually incorporated into the Republic as sectors; Nouane remained an Allied Region until the Republic's end, which was uncommon.

Over time, many of the Allied Region's worlds, scattered among 212 inhabited star systems, became well-known across the Republic. Philosophers and artists from the Core Worlds flocked to the planet Nouane, famous for its legendary libraries; furthermore, its ministers held prominent positions on numerous ambitious Republic worlds. The Four Sages of Dwartii, from the Dwartii system, introduced their coldly-merciless political philosophy to the Republic, where it was extensively studied and debated.

Centuries after Nouane joined the Republic, in 19 BBY, the Republic was transformed into a Galactic Empire. Similarly, the remaining Allied Regions were reorganized into Imperial client states. Nouane, as an Imperial client state, demonstrated unwavering loyalty to Emperor Palpatine's new administration. However, Nouane declared independence when the Imperial government fell following the Battle of Endor and was progressively replaced by the New Republic. Nouane maintained neutrality during Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaign against the New Republic in 9 ABY. By 16 ABY, the New Republic's reconnaissance vessel IX-26 was conducting a patrol mission in Nouane when it was redirected to the Obroan Institute on Obroa-skai to collect an archaeological team to assist in the investigation of the organic starship known as the Teljkon Vagabond and its frozen homeworld of Brath Qella.

Behind the scenes

Michael P. Kube-McDowell briefly mentioned the region of Nouane in his 1996 novel, Before the Storm. Although the 1998 Star Wars Encyclopedia and the 2008 The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia included entries on the region, it wasn't until 2009's The Essential Atlas that Nouane received a detailed description.

