Noshow was a collection of sixteen Delta-class JV-7 escort shuttles. These shuttles were initially the property of the Rebel Alliance, but Imperial Special Forces seized them.
The shuttles began their service with the Rebel Alliance. Later, the Empire took possession of them and moved them to Iron Mine, a disused Asteroid Hangar situated within the Talcim Cluster. The Empire's scheme involved using these shuttles to carry out biological attacks against planets that sympathized with the Rebellion. The goal was to falsely attribute these attacks to the Alliance. However, the arrival of a Rebel strike force complicated matters. This force consisted of X-wings, B-wings, and A-wings, which launched a swift attack on the facility. Noshow was deployed with TIE Interceptors providing fighter cover. Consequently, the Rebels shifted their focus to eliminating the shuttles. After inspecting them, they understood the shuttles' purpose and were determined to prevent any from escaping. TIE Avengers from Avenger Squadron along with Assault Gunboats were deployed as well, engaging the Rebel fighters from the rear.