Noric Gestal

Noric Gestal was a Gotal slaver (of the male persuasion) whose activities took place in the period preceding the Clone Wars. A significant portion of Gestal's time was dedicated to scouring the planet of Ryloth in a relentless pursuit of attractive Twi'lek women, intending to traffic them to his clientele. He frequently found himself in conflict with Chieb'Kalla, the proprietor of the Fungus Pit, who maintained a staff of beautiful women that were explicitly protected from the predations of slavers. Gestal's mounting irritation reached a breaking point soon after the First Battle of Geonosis, leading him to devise a scheme to abduct as many of the female employees as possible with the assistance of his criminal organization. He and twenty-three henchmen stormed into a local establishment, but their endeavor was foiled by a team of independent operatives who had arrived on Ryloth to locate Jedi Master Vhiin Thorla. The resulting confrontation led to Gestal's death, while his fellow slavers were rendered unconscious through the use of gas. Subsequently, they were apprehended and incarcerated.

