
The Nonnah, a transport utilized by the Rebel Alliance, featured a central body with two lateral spars. It was downed by the Imperial forces approximately 6 months after the Battle of Yavin while engaged in Alliance operations on fringe worlds, transporting troops and pilfered Imperial provisions. Immediately after the crash, both Rebel and Imperial forces sent immediately retrieval teams to the crash site on Chorax to recover the disabled vessel. Although the Empire's forces arrived first, the Rogue Squadron of the Rebellion proved to be a superior match for the small Imperial contingent. The Rogues' A-wings raced against viper probe droids in an effort to locate the wrecked starship. Once the Nonnah had been located in a river valley, Imperial reinforcements, consisting of a Sentinel-class landing craft carrying an AT-ST, AT-PTs, and XR-85 tank droids, and TIE Bombers, were deployed with the mission to destroy the Nonnah. However, the Rogues successfully repelled all assaults until the arrival of a Rebel rescue shuttle. In a final attempt to prevent the Alliance from securing the cargo, a squadron of TIE Interceptors was dispatched to obliterate the shuttle as it escaped the planet's atmosphere, but Rogue Leader Luke Skywalker and his wingmen intervened and prevented any significant damage to the shuttle.

Behind the scenes

The video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron from 1998 featured the Nonnah, which was named in reverse after Buddy Hannon, the game's texture artist ("Nonnah" being "Hannon" spelled backwards).

