Noma Sommos was a female admiral within the Republic Navy. She served in the Outer Rim sector during the era of the Mandalorian Wars. Back in 3964 BBY, Sommos found herself on the front lines of the Galactic Republic's conflict against the Mandalorian clans. At this time, the Mandalorians launched a major offensive with the intention of seizing the strategically important world known as Taris. Sommos, along with Admiral Jimas Veltraa, took the remaining fleets of the Outer Rim and reorganized them into a defensive force to safeguard Taris. Despite their efforts, the Mandalorians managed to overpower them and lay besiege to the planet. Sommos survived the fighting, but suffered severe injuries. She was subsequently sent to a field hospital located on the planet Wayland for recovery. While there, she lodged a formal complaint regarding the presence of fringers inside Republic naval groups.
Noma Sommos held the rank of admiral in the Republic Navy, with her service taking place in the period following the Great Sith War. After her promotion to admiral, Sommos and her team brought on a young Naval Academy graduate named Dallan Morvis to serve as a junior liaison with a design team from Vanjervalis Systems. Although the large-scale conflicts with the Sith were long gone by 3964 BBY, a new threat emerged for the Galactic Republic at its borders. This threat came in the form of the Mandalorian warrior clans. These clans had built a considerable empire before infringing upon Republic space. As the Mandalorians began to threaten resource worlds near the valuable ecumenopolis of Taris, the Republic Navy established a defensive line known as the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line. By the time the Mandalorians initiated their offensive, attacking the planet Vanquo as a diversion to create a path towards Taris, Sommos was stationed along this defensive line.
The defensive line quickly fell apart. Sommos and Admiral Jimas Veltraa reacted by reorganizing the remnants of the Outer Rim fleets into an improvised force with the aim of defending Taris. Veltraa met his death during the Mandalorian siege, while Sommos sustained injuries that led to her being sent to a hospital on Wayland for recovery. Following her injury sustained over Taris, Sommos was out of action for a period. While recuperating at the field hospital on Wayland, she submitted a formal complaint regarding the increasing presence of freelance traders, also known as "fringers," within Republic naval groups. Sommos argued that these irregular and unaffiliated units presented logistical issues and provisioning challenges, and that their protection was inconsistent with the Republic Navy's combat and spacelift duties. Catronus Steffans, a Republic defense official, responded to the issue but remained uncommitted to any specific course of action.
Admiral Sommos was initially mentioned in Knights of the Old Republic 8, which was a comic authored by John Jackson Miller and published in 2006. The character's first name, "Noma," was first revealed in The Admiral's List: Jimas Veltraa Memorial Edition. This in-universe news report appeared on the final page of Knights of the Old Republic 13. Sommos was also mentioned in Miller's Knights of the Old Republic Handbook, along with an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.