Nol Corovani, known as Monarch, held the rank of major within the Republic Army and served as the commanding officer for Eclipse Squad. This squad, a unit of the Republic Special Forces Division, was formed during the period of the Galactic War. He, along with his entire squad, received experimental Rakata cybernetic implants originating from a destroyed Revanite laboratory located on Manaan.
Following the elimination of the remainder of his team by Havoc Squad, Corovani was encountered by them in the Rishi jungles. Differing from his squad members, who perceived Havoc as betrayers aligned with the Revanites, he recognized both Havoc's commander and General Elin Garza. He informed them of his knowledge regarding his squad's actions at Fort Klemark on Altair 9, specifically the killing of two hundred Republic troops. Subsequently, he implored Havoc Squad to "free what's left of me" from the "nightmare" inflicted by the implants, mirroring the fate of his fellow squad members; Havoc fulfilled his wish.