Noell Ciro

Noell Ciro was a human male originating from the planet of Dolomar. He joined a resistance group on his homeworld, working alongside his brother Keleman to help liberate it from Imperial occupation. Seeking a life beyond his planet, he enlisted in the New Republic military concurrently with his older brother. Ciro trained to become a starfighter pilot and fought in various battles against Imperial forces before being assigned to the task force tasked with liberating Kal'Shebbol. This capital of the Kathol sector located in the Outer Rim Territories, was the base of operations for Moff Kentor Sarne, an Imperial warlord who had seceded from the Empire following the Battle of Endor. After Kal'Shebbol's liberation, Sarne escaped into the depths of the Kathol sector. Subsequently, Ciro was assigned to the FarStar mission, aimed at locating and neutralizing the threat posed by the rogue warlord. At his brother's request, who was in command of the mission, he was transferred and became part of the ship's starfighter complement. Not long after the mission commenced, Ciro participated in the Battle of Kolatill, a conflict against forces loyal to Sarne, where the young pilot met his end.


Noell Ciro's brother, Keleman

Early life

The planet Dolomar, situated within the Dolomar sector of the Core Worlds, was the birthplace of Noell Ciro. He spent his childhood alongside his older brother, Keleman, and their family in one of the planet's subterranean cities. During his younger years, he engaged in swoop bike racing on the local circuits. As the Galactic Empire tightened its control over the planet, Ciro and his brother became involved with a local resistance group. Ciro took part in attacks against Imperial forces, and soon after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, he played a role in ousting the Imperial governor and liberating his homeworld. Following Dolomar's liberation from the Empire, Ciro and his brother joined the New Republic military as a means of leaving their home behind. While Keleman pursued training as a commando operative, Noell chose to become a starfighter pilot.

New Republic service

Ciro's high scores in initial simulator tests secured his acceptance into pilot training at the Sluis Van Outer Starfighter Base. He excelled in the training program and transitioned into active service, piloting a T-65 X-wing starfighter. Ciro fought in several campaigns against Imperial forces before his assignment to the task force responsible for liberating Kal'Shebbol, the capital of the Kathol sector in the Outer Rim Territories, in 8 ABY. Following the successful liberation of Kal'Shebbol, Ciro was selected to be transferred to the FarStar—a CR90 corvette extensively modified to function as a starfighter carrier. The ship was dispatched on a lengthy mission to locate Moff Kentor Sarne, the former Imperial ruler of the Kathol sector, who had broken away from the Empire after the Battle of Endor and declared himself an independent warlord. Sarne had escaped from the planet into the Kathol sector with the majority of his fleet, along with some powerful exotic technology, and needed to be stopped before he further destabilized the region. Keleman—who had participated in the Kal'Shebbol operation as a member of the elite Page's Commandos—was assigned to command the mission and the ship, despite being a commando, and requested that his brother be included in the FarStar's starfighter complement.

Serving aboard the FarStar

While on the FarStar, Ciro felt it was his duty to foster a positive working relationship between his brother and Lieutenant Ranna Gorjaye, the commander of the corvette's starfighter squadron. Gorjaye was displeased with having to take orders from commandos, and Ciro understood that any conflict among the command staff could impact the mission's success. Shortly after departing from Kal'Shebbol, the FarStar received a distress call from the nearby planet Kolatill. The planet had been attacked by forces loyal to Sarne as retaliation for the population's overthrow of its Imperial governor upon learning of Kal'Shebbol's fall to the New Republic. Relief efforts were organized, and Ciro, along with Gorjaye, found themselves on the planet after escorting shuttles from the FarStar to the surface.

Ciro's death at Kolatill, ramming a TIE bomber

In orbit, Sarne's Ton-Falk-class escort carrier Kathol Protector, which had previously attacked the city of Domaz on Kolatill, returned to further assault the planet. Ciro and Gorjaye launched their fighters to intercept two squadrons of TIE bombers approaching the planet, assisted by Kolatill's own planetary defense force. In space, the escort carrier's starfighter complement directly engaged the FarStar and its remaining fighter screen.

Within Kolatill's atmosphere, sensors on a New Republic starfighter detected that the TIE bombers were armed with biological weapons and intended to strike not only Domaz, but other major population centers across the planet. Recognizing that even a single successful strike could result in millions of deaths, Ciro and the other defending pilots engaged the Imperial bombers. Fortunately for the defenders, the pathogenic bomb's payload was so toxic that each of the prime components were stored separately, and only mixed together immediately before deployment. If kept apart, the individual components were harmless, allowing the TIE bombers to be destroyed without spreading the toxin. During the battle, Ciro's X-wing sustained damage that disabled its weapons systems. Detecting a bomber nearing its target, Ciro realized he was the only fighter in range. Altering his course, Ciro intercepted and rammed the bomber, destroying both ships and killing himself, but saving millions of lives in the process. With its bomber force destroyed, the Kathol Protector recalled its fighters and retreated from the Kolatill system.

Personality and traits

Noell Ciro was a highly skilled pilot, demonstrating competence in flying both swoop bikes and starfighters. He also possessed training in the operation of a starship's weapons and shield systems, a working knowledge of astrogation, and the ability to repair starfighters. Ciro also had knowledge of other planetary systems.

On Dolomar, Ciro was known for his wisecracking and cocky demeanor. However, after joining the New Republic military, he developed a sense of duty and became more thoughtful and serious. Witnessing the deaths of many friends, he helped young pilots with enthusiasm to become more serious and focused to prevent their being killed. Despite this, he was still an aggressive fighter pilot. Before his death at Kolatill, Ciro was excited to serve under his brother on the FarStar, and he wanted to assist him in smoothing the relationship between the command crew and the starfighter detachment.


While on duty aboard the FarStar, Ciro wore a flight suit and carried a blaster pistol, comlink, and survival rations. He was assigned to fly one of the FarStar's T-65B X-wing starfighters.

Behind the scenes

Noell Ciro was created for West End Games' The DarkStryder Campaign as a member of the FarStar's starfighter contingent. Ciro makes no direct appearances in any narratives but is mentioned in The Saga Begins, the lead-in story to the campaign. His death is documented in Omens, the first adventure scenario in the sourcebook. Although much of The DarkStryder Campaign, including its supplements, The Kathol Outback, The Kathol Rift, and Endgame, can be altered to suit the individual playing styles of the gamemaster and players, Ciro's death at Kolatill is a required event in the campaign. The three subsequent supplements make no mention of the character and proceed on the premise that he is dead.

