"Nobody's Perfect" is a comic that could be found in the pages of Star Wars Tales 20.
Prior to their nuptials, Anakin confesses to Padmé a series of wrongdoings, going beyond just the slaughter of a Tusken Raider settlement. These transgressions encompass:
The extermination of a Desert Gnome settlement due to their faulty navigational assistance;
A physical altercation with an unhoused Wookiee who accidentally collided with him;
Insubordination towards Obi-Wan, followed by allowing Obi-Wan to shoulder the responsibility for his errors;
The arson of the Jedi Temple, resulting in a conflagration that claimed the lives of at least six Jedi.
Following his admission of past errors, he states that he would not object if she chose to call off their marriage. Her reply is to inquire about his preference between the white or light pastel wedding gown.