Nizuc Bek

Prior to the Battle of Endor, Nizuc Bek, a male human, served in the palace belonging to the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. Jabba the Hutt employed Bek to act as a protector for prominent individuals visiting his palace. His specific assignment was the safeguarding of Sy Snootles, the primary singer of the Max Rebo Band. Upon Luke Skywalker's arrival, after his attempts to convince Jabba to release Han Solo and Chewbacca proved unsuccessful, Skywalker employed the Force to seize control of Bek's DL-18 blaster pistol, with the intention of assassinating the Hutt.


Celebrity bodyguard

A human male, Nizuc Bek was hired by Jabba Desilijic Tiure, a Hutt crime lord, to function as a guard for notable figures visiting Jabba's palace situated on the desert planet of Tatooine. During the period when the Max Rebo Band served as the house band for Jabba, Bek's responsibility was to protect Sy Snootles, the Pa'lowick lead vocalist. In 4 ABY, Bek stood behind Jabba's throne, engaged in conversation with another human, at the time when the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO were presented to Jabba by Bib Fortuna, his majordomo, and two Gamorrean guards.

Nizuc Bek stares at Han Solo's frozen form

Bek maintained his conversation while R2-D2 played a message from their master, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. In the message, the Jedi proposed a negotiation with Jabba for the release of Han Solo, the smuggler, and offered the two droids as a token of goodwill. As the message concluded and Jabba declared his refusal to relinquish Solo, Bek, along with the other human, moved across the court to observe Solo, who was encased in carbonite and displayed on Jabba's wall.

Attack of a Force-wielding blaster thief

Nizuc Bek worked as a bodyguard.

The following day, Bek was positioned next to Jabba's throne when Skywalker confronted Jabba in the throne room, demanding the release of Solo and Chewbacca, the Wookiee. Upon Jabba's refusal, the Jedi employed the Force to pull Bek's DL-18 blaster pistol from his belt, drawing it across the room into Skywalker's grasp. Before Skywalker could discharge the weapon, Jubnuk, a Gamorrean guard, engaged the Jedi, resulting in both of them falling through a trap door set by Jabba, landing in the pit beneath the throne room.

Bek, along with the rest of the court, promptly moved to a grating that provided a view into the pit, where they witnessed Pateesa, Jabba's pet rancor, emerging and devoured Jubnuk. Their cheers were quickly suppressed when Skywalker managed to kill Pateesa by using the large door to the pit. Enraged, Jabba commanded that Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca be brought before him, and as Bek observed, the Hutt sentenced the trio to execution at the Great Pit of Carkoon. Bek then joined the throng of courtiers that accompanied the three prisoners as they were led from the throne room.

Desert voyage

Bek accepts a kiss from Sy Snootles

To witness the executions, Bek accompanied Jabba aboard the Khetanna, the Hutt's sail barge. During the journey, he socialized with Sy Snootles and accepted a kiss from her. Upon arriving at the Great Pit, Bek stood with Jabba and other court members in the barge's hold, observing the Bantha-II cargo skiff carrying the prisoners as it hovered above the maw of the sarlacc residing in the pit. Jabba offered the prisoners an opportunity to beg for mercy, but Skywalker simply gave the Hutt one last chance to spare them, which elicited laughter from the crowd. The Jedi was then pushed over the edge of the skiff, but quickly recovered, now armed with his lightsaber by R2-D2.

As Skywalker began to eliminate the skiff guards, chaos erupted among those on the barge. Princess Leia Organa, Skywalker's enslaved ally, seized the moment to destroy the controls of the vehicle's shutters, plunging those in the hold into darkness. Amidst the blind panic, Organa then assassinated Jabba by strangling him with a chain, proceeding to the top deck where she utilized a deck cannon to destroy the barge before escaping with Skywalker and their allies.

Personality and traits

Nizuc Bek possessed fair skin and brown hair.


Bek was attired in a yellow tabard, complemented by a black belt and holster, along with matching gauntlets and goggles. He wore brown pants and boots, and also a gray headpiece with a brown fabric neckguard that extended from the back. In addition to his DL-18 blaster pistol, Bek carried a blaster rifle.

Behind the scenes

Nizuc Bek made an appearance in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, the 1983 film from the original trilogy. Within the current Star Wars canon, Bek was first identified in Star Wars: Force Collection, the mobile card game initially launched in 2013. Although Force Collection's launch preceded the Star Wars canon reset of 2014, Leland Chee, a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group, affirmed that the game was consistently updated to align with canon. The 2016 reference book Star Wars: Complete Locations contained a misspelling of the name, rendering it as "Nizuc Beck." The name originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, initially appearing on a card in the 1998 "Jabba's Palace Limited" set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game created by Decipher.

