Located on the planet Naboo, New Centrif was a city populated by Humans. This location boasted a transmitter facilitating communication beyond the planet, alongside various residential, military, and industrial structures dedicated to processing local resources such as food, nova crystals, and ore. Its defenses were robust, featuring troopers, Tuskcat Troopers, and V-19 landspeeders, coupled with a pair of turrets guarding the northern gate.
During the events of 32 BBY, the Trade Federation prioritized the New Centrif transmitter as a key objective during their Invasion of Naboo. To this end, Viceroy Nute Gunray dispatched OOM-9, a B1-Series battle droid, leading a small strike force to execute the attack. Despite initially landing near New Centrif, OOM-9 opted to redirect his forces towards the neighboring city of Vis, aiming to eliminate its transmitter first. In Vis, OOM-9 received reinforcements from the droid EEK-176, and together they launched an assault on New Centrif via its less fortified southern entrance, ultimately destroying both the city and its transmitter.
Situated on the Mid Rim planet of Naboo, New Centrif was a city that demonstrated loyalty to the Royal House of Naboo and was inhabited by Human Naboo inhabitants. Its geographic location placed it to the west of Vis and to the north of Parrlay, and it was flanked by forests along its eastern and western borders. A paved pathway granted access to the city's northern entrance, connecting it to Vis via a dirt track. Conversely, a paved road extended from the southern entrance down to Parrlay, while another path meandered north around the forest, ultimately reaching the southern entrance of Vis. The city's terrain consisted of a mix of pavement and grass, and the buildings and walls were consistently adorned with distinct orange patterns.

Just outside the northern entrance, which took the form of a cul-de-sac with a gate, stood two flags. Two rows of low walls stretched northward from the gate. Inside the entrance, two defensive turrets had been constructed, contributing to New Centrif's well-defended impression. A small well and a gazebo could be found to the west of the entrance. Trees and flowers thrived in this decorative area, with a low wall and several trees delineating it from the rest of the city. South of the gate were two residential buildings, along with a transmitter that facilitated off-world communication. The transmitter was situated on elevated ground, enclosed by a low wall, and powered by a power core located near the western forest.
A monument occupied the city's central area, with a troop center and two additional residential buildings situated to its northeast. In the center-east, a power core had been built to support the troop center, as well as two residential buildings to the southwest and one in the northeast corner. A small, low wall was positioned southeast, between the buildings and the forest. In the southern part of New Centrif was a food processing center, which served as the storage location for goods harvested from three farms by PKN-49 worker droids. The southeastern side housed a nova processing center, where droids gathered nova crystals from a nearby stockpile. An ore processing center was located southwest of the farms, collecting ore from another stockpile.
During 32 BBY, the Trade Federation invaded Naboo, with the initial objective of disabling the transmitters in New Centrif, Vis, and Parrlay to prevent news of the invasion from reaching Coruscant, the galactic capital. Nute Gunray, the Trade Federation Viceroy, dispatched OOM-9, a B1-Series battle droid, with a small force from the Trade Federation Droid Army, including eight battle droids, four heavy beetle droid units, and two Single Trooper Aerial Platform units, with orders to destroy the transmitters. OOM-9's forces landed a C-9979 landing craft to the north of New Centrif and advanced towards the city. At the time of the invasion, New Centrif's defenses consisted of seventeen troopers, five Tuskcat Troopers, and three V-19 landspeeders.

As the droids approached, OOM-9 assessed New Centrif's strong defenses and determined that reinforcements would be necessary before attempting to capture the city. He redirected the army east towards Vis, where they linked up with reinforcements led by the droid EEK-176. Together, they destroyed the Vis transmitter. The combined force then utilized the route connecting Vis to the southern part of New Centrif, which was less fortified than the main northern entrance due to the absence of gates and walls. Upon reaching the city, the droids eliminated the soldiers and labor droids stationed near the nova crystal deposits, prompting the majority of New Centrif's population to confront the invaders. OOM-9 repelled them with the battle droids and his personal Heavy Armored Assault Tank, keeping his beetle droids in reserve. After the inhabitants of New Centrif were killed, OOM-9 deployed the beetle droids to raze the city, including the transmitter. EEK-176 promptly reported the success to Gunray.

New Centrif was initially mentioned in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima's Official Strategy Guide by Steven L. Kent, which was released on November 7, 2001. Subsequently, it appeared in the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which launched on November 11 of the same year. The city is featured in the first level of the Trade Federation campaign, titled "Beachhead," where players assume control of the Trade Federation forces. The strategy guide notes that attempting to attack New Centrif directly without first securing reinforcements would likely result in a difficult victory, as the city's entrance could trap the player's units in a confined area.
Furthermore, the guide describes the level's objective as destroying spaceports within the Naboo cities, rather than transmitters, with the book showcasing an image of a spaceport in the location occupied by the transmitter in the game. The turrets at the entrance are absent in the easy mode of the level but are present in the moderate and hard difficulties. Three of the royal troopers and two V-19 landspeeders are also exclusive to the hard difficulty. In the original version of Galactic Battlegrounds, the mounted Naboo troopers rode kaadu, which were later replaced with tusk cats in the 2002 expansion, Clone Campaigns.