Near Indosa, a planet, existed within the Near Indosa system. Its location was in the Loop Worlds region of the Gordian Reach sector, which itself was situated in the Trans-Hydian section of the Outer Rim Territories. The Junction-Tierell Loop hyperlane provided a connection to both the Presbalin and Trinovat systems, while a smaller hyperspace route offered passage to the Far Indosa system. During the last years of the Galactic Republic, which ended in 19 BBY, Near Indosa had been subjected to mining operations for millennia, resulting in a network of old tunnels throughout its upper layers. By this time, the planet's valuable resources were mostly exhausted, and with the opening of the resource-rich Far Indosa system for mining, most of the miners from Near Indosa moved to that location.
The reference book The Essential Atlas, written by Daniel Wallace and [Jason Fry]((/article/jason_fry), introduced Near Indosa in 2009, specifically locating it in grid square P-6.