Nawara Ven

Nawara Ven, given the name Nawar'aven in Ryl, which translates to "silver-tongued," was a Twi'lek individual who skillfully piloted an X-wing. He was also an attorney. He held the dual roles of starfighter pilot and Executive Officer within the esteemed Rogue Squadron.


Joining Rogue Squadron

After witnessing numerous clients, whom he knew were innocent, unjustly treated by Imperial authorities, Ven chose to align himself with the Rebellion. Following the reformation of Rogue Squadron, he received an invitation to undergo the trials for potential membership.

Frequently, due to his expertise in legal matters, Ven was asked to mediate disagreements among squadron members. An instance of this occurred when Bror Jace was harassing Gavin Darklighter, asserting that Gavin was, without a doubt, the squadron's least skilled pilot at that time. Bror Jace sought to determine Gavin's "punishment," which involved being "apprenticed" to the squadron's best pilot, performing tasks such as fetching caf and preparing reports. However, Corran Horn countered, arguing that he was the superior pilot and had no desire to engage in the kind of treatment Bror intended for Gavin. Nawara opted to present his argument before Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, and Captain Afyon of the Eridain. Corran then suggested combining his kills with Gavin's and using percentage averages instead of absolute kill counts. Unfortunately for Nawara, this resulted in him being labeled the squadron's worst pilot.

Nawara Ven in flight uniform.

In the early stages of Rogue Squadron, Nawara also started developing a relationship with Rhysati Ynr. During the first battle on Borleias, Nawara was forced to eject from his X-wing after it was shot down, but he was rescued by Tycho Celchu, who piloted a shuttle through the combat zone to extract pilots in extravehicular activity. He took part in the Second Battle of Borleias, piloting Lujayne Forge's X-wing.

During the squadron's operation to infiltrate Imperial Center, his task was to assess the inhabitants of Invisec to determine their support for a potential New Republic invasion. While undercover with his fellow squad members, he successfully defended Gavin Darklighter from false accusations of bigotry leveled by Bothan Rebel Asyr Sei'lar.

Subsequently, Ven spearheaded the squadron's delegation to his home world of Ryloth, aiming to secure the ryll kor needed to combat the Krytos virus that was devastating Coruscant's nonhuman population.

Ven was later asked to serve as legal counsel for Tycho Celchu, a fellow squadron member, who faced accusations of murder and treason. The trial concluded dramatically when Corran Horn, whom Celchu was accused of murdering, made a surprise entrance into the courtroom. Shortly thereafter, Ven and his squadmates collectively resigned their commissions to initiate an insurgency against Isard's regime on Thyferra, the planet known for its bacta production, in a conflict that became known as the Bacta War.

On two separate occasions, Ven sustained injuries when enemy TIE Fighters directly struck his X-wing fighter. While he made a full recovery from the first incident, the second resulted in a micro-meteorite severing his right leg below the knee. Despite being fitted with a prosthetic limb, he was deemed unfit for combat. Nevertheless, Wedge Antilles, the squad leader, appointed him as Rogue Squadron's Executive Officer, recognizing his exceptional administrative and intelligence abilities.

Following the conclusion of the pursuit of Warlord Zsinj, Ven retired from military service entirely and married Rhysati Ynr, a woman he had met while serving with the Squadron who hailed from Bespin. They both relinquished their commissions to begin a family. Later, he served as an officer aboard Booster Terrik's privately owned Star Destroyer Errant Venture and played a role in rescuing Jedi students who were stranded on Trogan during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Two years after the Second Galactic Civil War, Ven, practicing as a lawyer, defended Luke Skywalker and the Jedi Order against accusations brought forth by Chief of State Natasi Daala and the Galactic Alliance. These charges were part of Daala's effort to control the Jedi for not strictly adhering to the law. Despite his disappointment with Skywalker's guilty plea and his exclusion from the final agreement between Daala and his client, Ven persisted in defending other Jedi, including Tahiri Veila and Valin Horn. He was successful in Veila's case, but was defeated while defending Horn, managing to convince the judge to declare the Jedi mentally unstable, yet being unable to prevent the man's sentencing to confinement in carbonite. Ven later represented the entire Jedi Order, challenging the executive order Daala had imposed on them. He was victorious, resulting in the removal of many restrictions.

