Nathaniel Camaran served as a Security Guard within the Royal Naboo forces on the planet Naboo. During the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, Lieutenant Camaran rose to prominence as a key figure in the Naboo Resistance. Specifically, Camaran held the responsibility of overseeing security for a specific Resistance cell. He participated in a meeting together with Mett Habble and Oti Trinta, with the goal of recruiting several skilled individuals from the freighter Crescent into the ranks of the Resistance.
Sometime afterward, he was elevated in rank to captain.
Camaran's character appeared briefly in Peril on Naboo, a campaign divided into three parts that was part of Wizards of the Coast's Secrets of Naboo, which was published in 2001. The text of this publication refers to him as a Lieutenant. Subsequently, in 2013, an article titled Rogues Gallery: Naboo's Finest! featured in Star Wars Insider 145 identified an extra from the film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith as "Captain Nathaniel Camaran," and included a picture, name, and rank for the Security Guard.