Narnee Bomu

Narnee Bomu was a soldier of the Rodian species, specifically a male, and belonged to the Bomu Clan; further information on the Rodians can be found here.


During the era of the Galactic Empire, he was employed by Vago, a Hutt, and the Anjiliac kajidic, along with several members of his Bomu Clan; more information on the Hutt species can be found here, and more information about kajidics can be found here. Vago Gejalli Thokka is detailed here, and the Galactic Empire is detailed here.

Vago hired Narnee and Seedar Bomu, another soldier from the Bomu Clan (detailed here), to locate a disloyal associate of Popara who had absconded with 100,000 credits worth of spice; credits are detailed here, and spice is detailed here. Distrustful of the Bomus, Vago surreptitiously placed tracking devices on their starship (detailed here). The Bomus caused the death of the spice buyer with an unexpected explosion (deaths are detailed here), though it remains uncertain whether they succeeded in retrieving the spice. Some speculate that, due to the Bomus' apparent lack of success, Vago was compelled to dispatch bounty hunters (detailed here) who were pursuing the same target.

