Narmle Militia

The Narmle Militia, alternatively known as the Narmle Police Forces, functioned as both a militia and a police force. Their primary duty was the defense of the city of Narmle situated on Naboo's moon, Rori.


While the Royal Naboo Security Forces officially held authority over the Narmle Militia, the militia members were notably hesitant to cooperate with the RSF. They found it simpler to work with the First Brigade from Restuss.

The Narmle Militia's personnel were recognized by their purple-hued uniforms. The organization utilized a variety of ranks, including captain, colonel, commander, ensign, lieutenant, and major. The militia's composition also featured riflemen, guards, commandos, and grenadiers.


During the period of the Galactic Civil War, the Narmle Militia engaged in combat against several local criminal syndicates, such as the Rori Spice Mining Collective, the Kobola Miners, and the Hutts.

Following the Battle of Yavin, a member of the Narmle Militia aided Wernell Covington in locating Jurgen Nath and Vladlun Travan, who were responsible for the murder of his daughter, Felicia. Around the same time, Orden Tarc, a lieutenant from the RSF, was positioned in Narmle to act as a liaison between the Royal Naboo Security Forces and the Narmle Militia. Tarc requested the Narmle Militia's assistance in the investigation of several break-ins at cybernetic laboratories on Rori, but the Militia only provided a spacer for the task.

