Nala Noos

Nala Noos was a [Trandoshan]([link text](link url)) of the [female]([link text](link url)) gender who resided within the [Cularin asteroid belt]([link text](link url)).


As of [32 BBY]([link text](link url)), Nala Noos was employed by [Vin Tal'benes]([link text](link url)) at the [asteroid]([link text](link url)) repair station known as [Darkside]([link text](link url)). Following the unexpected departure of Darkside's head of security, Tal'benes gave Noos the temporary position of security chief. Noos was not happy with her current role and desired a different assignment, ideally one away from Darkside.

She did not take her responsibilities with seriousness, instead usually relaxing in her chair while tasking new arrivals with patrolling the station's corridors. Noos had heard tales of the [shadow lurkers]([link text](link url)), strange beings said to inhabit the corridors, but she tried to disregard them.

Noos had heard only vague rumors about [The Cell]([link text](link url)), a criminal group that opposed [Nirama]([link text](link url)), the owner of Darkside, but she had not directly encountered them. However, as security chief, she knew of the damage they had caused and disliked them.

Nala Noos spoke with undercover agents dispatched by Nirama to find members of The Cell. While most individuals failed to connect the agents' brief stay on Darkside with the subsequent capture of The Cell's leaders, Noos, drawing on her security background, correctly deduced the connection. However, due to her loyalty to Nirama, she chose to keep her knowledge a secret.

Noos was later reassigned to [Rothe Gate]([link text](link url)), the Organization's primary weapons storage asteroid, but her duties were limited to paperwork as the manager of [the Office of Personnel for Rothe Gate]([link text](link url)). She was disappointed by this new position. The prevalence of underperforming [Trandoshans]([link text](link url)) at Rothe Gate led to Noos not forming close relationships. Furthermore, Noos was a strong supporter of Nirama and suspected that a fellow Trandoshan, [Gorssk]([link text](link url)), might be loyal to The Cell.

A team of The Cell's agents, under the false impression that they were working for Nirama, gained entry to the Office of Personnel and bypassed Noos to acquire what they believed to be crucial information about disloyal members of the Organization. If Noos were to see the results, she would have considered it insufficient to convict anyone.

Personality and traits

Nala Noos possessed pale yellow skin and had a consistently tired appearance. Like many on Darkside, Noos was generally irritable and somber, but she was known to smile on paydays, especially when Nirama provided extra provisions and entertainment.

