Naja Delan, a Duros of male gender, made his home on Cularin with his family for a number of years preceding the Clone Wars. His family, Duro diplomats on Cularin, enjoyed a high degree of respect from the planet's other residents. Delan chose to stay behind to finish his schooling after his family went back to their home planet. He rose to the position of leader within a small circle of friends, among them Oora Gellandi, and he often spent afternoons sharing the numerous conspiracy theories he found lurking everywhere.
Delan did not tend to show off his family's influence, which helped him make friends fairly easily. Like his companions, Naja thought the Jedi Knights were flawless, although Naja was alone in thinking that the Galactic Senate contained sinister forces that had caused the Clone Wars. His faith in conspiracies frequently led him to incorrect conclusions, until one day he accidentally came across the plan to murder Gavid Lermyn.
The group of four young individuals were found out, and were forced to flee for their safety, when they encountered a band of independent agents who offered their assistance.