The Naboo Royal Navy existed as a component of the Royal Naboo Security Forces located on the planet of Naboo. This naval force was based out of a location in proximity to the settlement of Spinnaker. The navy's composition consisted of water-based craft, land-based soldiers, and, at a later time, NB-1 Royal Bombers. During the Naboo Invasion in 32 BBY, the Royal Navy's attempts to repel the invading Trade Federation Droid Army were unsuccessful. The Trade Federation had seized control of a Naboo community. The Trade Federation responded to the ongoing attacks with Droid Starfighters, eventually employing energy pummels to obliterate the navy's base of operations.
Serving the Human Royal House of Naboo on Naboo, the Naboo Royal Navy was an element of the Royal Naboo Security Forces. The navy was stationed at a base situated on a river southwest of Spinnaker and west of a village. The base included various troop centers and a fortress for training Royal troopers, Tuskcat Troopers, and Royal crusaders. Furthermore, it housed a Heavy Weapons Factory and a mech factory for producing military vehicles.
The base also featured a shipyard on the river, enabling the construction of military boats like Light Scouts. Later expansions included an airbase for assembling NB-1 Royal Bombers. Defenses were provided by turrets and shield generators. PKN-49 worker droids maintained the base, gathering resources and constructing buildings. Additional vehicles used by the navy encompassed energy pummels and Naboo energy catapults. The Spinnaker Navy was connected to the Naboo Royal Navy, directly serving Spinnaker with vessels on its coastline.
During the Trade Federation's Naboo Invasion in 32 BBY, the Trade Federation Droid Army targeted Spinnaker. Prior to the invasion of Spinnaker, worker droids enhanced the base's defenses by building an additional shield generator near the entrance and an airbase across the river. OOM-9, a B1-series battle droid, captured the village near Spinnaker and the Navy's base. The Navy responded by dispatching an attacking force of Royal crusaders, three energy pummels, three Naboo energy catapults, and three Tuckcat Troopers to the village. The battle droids successfully defended against the assault, subsequently focusing on reinforcing their position and expanding their control. The Royal Navy persisted in launching attacks with boats, bombers, and troopers. OOM-9 deployed a team of three labor droids to erect multiple turrets between the village and the Navy's base.

The labor droids started collecting nova crystals, a valuable resource, which the Royal Navy tried to recover. To protect the workers, the droids deployed six Droid Starfighters. When OOM-9 was prepared to destroy the Navy, he commanded ten Droid Starfighters to eliminate their boats on the river and sent in energy pummels to demolish the base's fortress and turrets, losing at least one pummel. With these defenses gone, the Trade Federation utilized its fighters to destroy the Navy's remaining forces while the pummels destroyed every building. During the attack on Spinnaker, the Spinnaker Navy's boats were also destroyed.
The initial mention of the Naboo Royal Navy occurred in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima's Official Strategy Guide by Steven L. Kent, which was released on November 7, 2001. Later, it appeared in the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released on November 11, 2001. The Navy is presented as an enemy faction in "Spinnaker's Spoils," the third level of the Trade Federation campaign. While defeating the Navy isn't mandatory to complete the level, the strategy guide recommends doing so.
The guide describes the Navy as possessing anti-air turrets, multiple fortresses, and a spaceport, none of which are present in the game. The Navy continuously produces units to attack the player, only ceasing upon their defeat. In the game's hard and moderate difficulty settings, the Navy's CPU immediately starts constructing an additional shield generator and the airbase. However, in easy mode, the base already has the additional shield generator in place from the start. In all versions, the Navy's PKN-49 worker droids have the capability of constructing additional buildings. This article adheres to the events as they unfold in the hard difficulty mode.