Muja fruit-filled donut

The muja fruit-filled donut was a specific type of donut that had a filling made of muja fruit. At Dex's Diner, a popular eatery located on the planet Coruscant, these donuts were a staple. These Adarian-style donuts, filled with muja fruit, were made by a Crisp-E-O donut droid. Dexter Jettster, the owner, regarded the muja fruit-filled donut as a popular choice. It cost 1.7 credits and was available until the diner's destruction during the initial two years of the Galactic Empire's reign.

Behind the scenes

Gregory Walker mentioned the muja fruit-filled donut in his in-universe menu-formatted article "Dining at Dex's," which was exclusively available on Hyperspace in 2009.


  • Dining at Dex's on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
