Mugg Fallow, located far into the Unknown Regions, was thought to be the original world of Mnggal-Mnggal. The being's body, a grey sludge (or perhaps its brain), had spread to cover nearly the entire globe, leaving behind only barren landmasses and the petrified remnants of trees. Gray rivers stretched across the continents, and the planet's once-existent oceans were now occupied by Mnggal-Mnggal.
A ring of abandoned vessels circled the world, originating from diverse eras. As a grim display, Mnggal-Mnggal utilized its mind-controlled zombies to maneuver the ships into position, including Gree sailships and a treasure barge that once belonged to Xim the Despot within the dead fleet.
The Chiss were at least aware of the planet's whereabouts, preserving the data within their data library on Csilla. It is not clear if other indigenous species of the Unknown Regions, such as the Croke and Lugubraa, who sought Mnggal-Mnggal's destruction due to the immense threat it represented, knew the precise coordinates of Mugg Fallow.