Mud Sloth

The Mud Sloth, registration number NR80-109399, was a Model 201, Production Group E Verpine Adventurer starship. Akanah Norand Goss Pell was the owner of this vessel, which played a role in the Black Fleet Crisis by assisting in the search for both the Fallanassi Circle and Luke Skywalker's mother. The ship's original design came before the Empire rose to power. New Republic records indicate that Andras Pell, a Carratos resident born around 50 BBY, initially owned the ship. Around 15 ABY, it was passed to his younger widow, Akanah. Intriguingly, Akanah lacked the key for the maintenance hatch located in the internal cabin's deck. Furthermore, considerable efforts had been made to obscure the ship's identity, notably the installation of an expensive "smuggler's kit." This kit uploaded a new, fake registry each time the ship entered hyperspace, a feature Akanah attributed to an outlaw tech she knew on Golkus.

Approximately six months after acquiring the ship, Akanah encountered Luke on Coruscant. Subsequently, she embarked on a quest with him to locate the remaining Fallanassi, including his supposed mother. While lacking a formal designation, Luke humorously dubbed the ship the Mud Sloth due to its perceived lack of speed.

The pair navigated the ship to various planets, including Lucazec, Teyr, and Atzerri. Ultimately, they discovered the Fallanassi's hidden location on J't'p'tan. After a detour to Utharis, they proceeded to J't'p'tan. Alongside the Fallanassi leader Wialu, they used the ship to meet with the New Republic Fifth Fleet, arriving on the command ship Intrepid shortly before the Battle of N'zoth. Following the conclusion of the Black Fleet Crisis, Akanah and Luke went their separate ways. Akanah departed with the Fallanassi, while Luke took the Mud Sloth to find the Lady Luck and rescue Lano Calrissian.

Most of the ship's systems were in their original configuration, featuring a sublight speed rating of 2.5 and a Block 1 hyperdrive motivator. However, the navigational deflector array had been upgraded to Block 3 standard. The ship's interior included a relatively spacious flight deck with two crew couches, along with a single sleeper and a small refresher unit, both separated from the main area by curtains. The meal-service console was defective; although it offered three beverage choices, it failed to dispense food, compelling Akanah to rely on ration packs stored in the cargo hold.

