The Mrlssi, alternatively known as the Mrlssti, from the world of Mrlsst within the Tapani sector, were a species widely celebrated throughout that region of space for their scholarly pursuits and scientific expertise.

These creatures were non-flying, humanoid birds, generally standing less than one meter in height. Differing from the majority of avian species, Mrlssi young were born alive, not hatched from eggs. Their bodies were covered with gray plumage, and their heads were mostly bare, save for a feathered fringe at the back. The head feathers of younger Mrlssi were brown, but these feathers gained more vibrant hues as they aged.
It is important not to confuse the Mrlssi with the Mriss found on Mrisst in the GaTir system, who were also a diminutive, intellectual race of flightless birds.
Their native tongue was known for its melodic qualities. However, their attempts to speak Basic were often considered unpleasant to the ears of many other species. The Mrlssi were homebodies and rarely ventured far from their own planet. When travel was necessary, it was always for a specific reason and to a predetermined destination, with a swift return home afterward. Possessing sharp minds and intense curiosity, they valued knowledge above all material wealth. Mrlssi considered themselves to be great comedians, with humor playing a central role in their society. However, those from other worlds often found their humor to be intricate and difficult to understand. Some typical names within the Mrlssi culture included Crlisst Herssek, Kepor Dagwa, Krsslbel Waray, Pagda Luwa, and Virssl Jasst.

During the early stages of their civilization, the planet Mrlsst experienced significant geological instability. The Mrlssi came to realize that while possessions and structures were temporary, knowledge was enduring. This tradition persisted for millennia, even after their continents had stabilized. Although the Mrlssi had not yet developed interstellar travel capabilities when scouts from the Galactic Republic and the Tapani made contact around 7308 BBY, they quickly caught up to the rest of the galaxy by reverse-engineering hyperdrives and advanced computers. By the time of the [Galactic Empire](/article/galactic_empire-legends], Mrlssi universities were among the most esteemed in the Tapani sector, drawing students from various species.
The Mrlsst Trade and Science Academy stood out as a leading institution for applied sciences. Their research yielded numerous discoveries that facilitated the transport of food and livestock between planets, along with innovations that became standard practices for constructing buildings and vessels both on planets and in space. The Mrlssi generally avoided involvement in galactic conflicts, and their planet was largely spared from war. However, they did face some discrimination under the New Order due to its Humanocentrism views. In 5 ABY, Grand Admiral Thrawn launched an attack on Mrlsst, resulting in the destruction of many of its ancient and beautiful educational facilities. Despite this setback, they quickly rebuilt and continued to be leaders in the fields of learning and science.
Mrlssi found beyond their home planet typically had some affiliation with political organizations, while more adventurous individuals might find work as technical specialists. Prior to the rise of the Galactic Empire, many Mrlssi were discovered to be Force-sensitive, leading to a high rate of enrollment in the Jedi Order.

The Mrlssi illustration featured in Ultimate Alien Anthology shows a noticeable departure from earlier depictions, most notably with the addition of a beak and pupils. As of yet, no official explanation for this change has been given, and all subsequent artwork of the species has followed this new design.